shoes gray的相关图片

shoes gray

下面围绕“shoes gray”主题解决网友的困惑

shoes gray是什么意思

shoes gray 鞋子灰色 例句筛选 1.What's Billy wearing? He's wearing a green sweater, jeans, and gray shoes.比利穿什么样的衣服?他穿绿毛衣,牛仔裤,灰色鞋...


a pair of shoes in gray


1. What color are your shoes?2. Color is an visual effect produced by the eye, brain, and life experiences in response to light.3. The perception of col...


鞋类英语 鞋子 shoe 颜色 colour 黑色 black 红色 red 米色 bone beige 白色 white 金色 gold 珠光金色 Pearlied gold 浅金色 Light gold 白金色 platinum 银色 si...

those are gray shoes 改一般疑问句并作两种回答

Are those gray shoes?Yes, they are.No,they aren't.^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别...

What is the price of the gray shoes?的同义句

How much are the gray shoes?= How much do the gray shoes cost?有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

What’s the price of the gray shoes?变同义句

How much are the gray shoes?很高兴第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳。如果对本题还有什么疑问,请追问。


灰色grey; gray银灰silver grey;chinchilla; gray mom铁灰iron grey铅灰lividity; leaden grey碳灰charcoal grey驼灰doe豆灰rose dust藕灰zephyr莲灰elderberry浅...

英语翻译 能看懂的来,比较简单



服装类:pants 长裤;jeans 牛仔裤;socks 短袜;shoes 鞋子;T-shirt T恤衫;shorts 短裤;dress 连衣裙;boots 靴子;shirt 衬衫;skirt 裙子;jacket 夹克衫方...

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